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How To Join

How to join the South Texas Baptist Association.


How can we Join South Texas Baptist Association?


Why Join?

1. This association is on record as believing the Bible to be inerrant, infallible, and 100% trueIs yours?

2. Fellowship - Pastors and people alike need fellowship with people who support their denomination and faith. We are in a partnership with the Southern Baptist of Texas. We support the Southern Baptist Convention, its 6 Seminaries, Lifeway publishing, and The Baptist Faith & Message 2000.  Is your Association on record in support of these entities.... or distancing themselves from our denomination?

3. Ministry - When folk are in agreement theologically, and in fellowship the natural result is ministry. The Association will serve you and your church as a resource agent to support the local church. We have no time for politics, but plenty of time to encourage and aid churches of all sizes in ministry projects. 



Join Today!  We will be glad to mail, fax, or email you a form.

FAX :  281-516-3464

Voice:  281-415-1960

emailContact Us



  Click Here for Form to Join STBA!